Alcohol and Sleep: How They Affect Each Other

Sleep loss on chosen day based on alcohol consumption

Add new alcohol consumption to the sleep data

To add alcohol consumption data, first select date and time, and then add the amount of standard drinks consumed.
After adding remember to press "submit" to submit data input and add it to the visualizations.

? A standard
a can or bottle (375ml) of mid-strength beer
or a small 100ml glass of red wine
or a shot or nip (30ml) of spirits

Choose time interval for visualizations

? Here you can choose which time interval you want to see the visualizations for.
First choose how long of a period, you want to see. Then the start date of the period you want to inspect.
Additionally you can change the range with the slider under all visualizations.

Sleep score and alcohol consumption over time

? In this visualization you can see your sleep score and compare it to you alcohol intake.
The sleep score is a score of how good you slept, calculated based on the amount of sleep and deep sleep.
The sleep score is between 0-100, where 0 corresponds to no sleep at all, and 100 is a perfect night of good sleep.
You can choose if you want to include alcohol consumption or not with the following selection.

Sleep hours and score over time

? In this visualization you can see how many hours you have slept in your chosen time period.
Additionally you can see the sleep score, which is a score of how good you slept, calculated based on the amount of sleep and deep sleep.
The sleep score is between 0-100, where 0 corresponds to no sleep at all, and 100 is a perfect night of good sleep.
You can choose between if you want to see sleep hours, score or both with the following selection.

Alcohol consumption visualization

? In this visualization you can see your alcohol consumption for each day in you chosen time period.

Average sleep score based on consumed alcohol

? In this visualization you can see your average sleep score based on your alcohol consumption.